Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Public Relation(Marketing) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Public Relation(Marketing) - Essay Example The ever diminishing turn-out in elections for the European Parliament - it fell in all but three member-states during the recent Euro elections - is just one eloquent expression of popular disaffection and indifference towards the EU" (Clegg, 2003, p.5). The focus of the present essay is the perception of British citizens of 50 of European Union and related institutions. The nationwide EU research, conducted in summer 2006, comprised 1,347 persons of British citizenship, 45% of whom were people over 50 (Eurobarometer 65). As the report holds, the British are known for their typical answers 'I don't care' and 'I don't know', but citizens over 50 have specific position. For instance, when asked about their opinion concerning the EU membership, 50 per cent of respondents answered 'It is a good idea', 16 per cent found it unacceptable, whereas there were 34 per cent, who were just unaware of current political issues. As for seniors, the huge percentage of people over 50 (30 per cent) view EU membership as problem and don't support it, and only 23 per cent found the idea sound and reasonable. Still, there are 47% of indifferent (or poorly-informed) citizens, the majority of who are aged over 65 and who are currently not able of following all news broadcasts. Nevertheless, the survey suggests that the situation has improved comparing to 46-per-cent unawareness in summer 2005 (Eurobarometer 63). On the other hand, the related dynamics among seniors is slower - whereas in 2005, the percentage of indifferent or unaware citizens aged over 50 was 49%, the recent research shows only 2-per cent decrease. This fact is clear and explainable: the survey was participated by various age groups and social classes - from students to businesspeople, and the natural increase of education level is exactly what the investigation has measured. On the other hand, citizens over 50 are less motivated in terms of political inquiries, so they are likely to remain either uninformed or uninterested. The exact percentage of uninformed citizens is 12 per cent: "What is also encouraging to note is that only 125 of the UK poll say that they know nothing at all about the European Union compared with 18 per cent a year ago. There is a welcome decline in the negative aspect of the UK data. A year ago, 28% of UK citizens said they never looked for information on the EU. It has now reduced slightly, but significantly, to 23%" (Eurobarometer 65, p.3). On the other hand, White et al highlights that this positive step forward is being done by the population under 45, whereas the development of consciousness in citizens over 50 has been in state of stagnation for five years. For instance, only 8 per cent of British seniors made attempts to find more extensive information about the EU (White, 2006), and their number has enjoyed only 1,5 per cent increase over the last year. Earlier research (Lafferty, 2004) introduces certain target audience for cognitive influence, and categorized the UK population by age and gender. Female students from 23 to 28 turned out the most perceptive and sensitive in terms of recent information campaigns, run by the EU. People over 50 are considered neither influential (i.e. they are not able and not motivated to persuade their surroundings) not sensitive to new information. Lafferty indicates that the typical profile of a UK citizen over 50 is following: a person interested in domestic news and concerned about governmental

Monday, October 28, 2019

Wake and Bake Essay Example for Free

Wake and Bake Essay In America the use and sell of recreational marijuana is illegal and taking seriously by authorities. Over half of the people in the USA smoke or have smoked marijuana. Marijuana is a plan that can be grown almost anywhere and can be smoke to experience relaxation. Marijuana should be legal to the people of America because this is a free country and if the vote is more than fifty percent that means the majority of people want it to be legal. The people of America should not hide the use of marijuana any longer. Using marijuana should not be frowned upon because it has never killed a single human being. If this drug has not killed anyone then why is it still illegal? Tobacco and alcohol have killed over 555,000 people a year according to the CDC. Tobacco and alcohol are somehow legal to a of age adult so why cant marijuana? People need to realize that marijuana is a soft drug as to wear its harmful effects fall under caffeine. You are at more risk if you have too much coffee compared to too much marijuana. Its mind blowing to think about this because caffeine is a drug that can kill a person and it is legal and marijuana is a drug that is illegal and has never killed anyone. A lot of kids don’t know where they are getting their weed. Drug dealers don’t really care about whom they are giving drugs to either; they are just in it for the money. If marijuana became legal there would be no more drug dealers but professional licensed weed distributers. People who smoke would know exactly where their product is coming from and would be dealing with people who care about their product. People will not be going to the hospitals because their weed dealer put another drug in their weed to make it weight more. The weed distributors would only sell weed to adults who are of age, just as they do with the sale of alcohol and cigarettes. Too many people now a days get put in jail for the use of marijuana. Innocent people in jail for smoking pot? What were these people doing wrong? Where they disturbing the peace? Hurting anyone? No they were smoking pot to relax and they got thrown in jail with real criminals who have killed people, robbed people, people who are out of their mind. Marijuana needs to become legal and people who have been put in jail because of it don’t deserver to be put through that. In the end people will do what they want in this world but they will have to keep away from cops and other authority when they smoke. Washington and Colorado are the only two states in America that allow the use of recreational marijuana. This is a big step for our country and I hope other states follow in their foot steps.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Comparison of The Tempest and Translations Essay -- The Tempest Transl

Comparison of The Tempest and Translations ‘The Tempest’ begins with a enormous storm and signifies a great change for the people of the island, but we do not learn until later on in the play that it is Prospero who has caused the storm so that the characters on the ship will be brought to the island. The opening scene is very dramatic and shows the inner turmoil and change that will occur for the characters involved, whereas it is also quite confusing for the audience as we are not aware of what significance the storm has, and what has caused it until later. Characters run frantically about in this scene and we are unaware of their purpose; the audience is not communicated well at the beginning as we are left uninformed of the situation. Just as in ‘Translations’ where there is also a lack of communication as Manus is trying to get Sarah to talk but as she is unable to talk she cannot express her feelings and thought to him clearly and so the communication between the two has been broken. Manus says, â€Å"Soon you’ll be telling me all the secrets that have been in that head of yours all these years†. When Prospero tells Miranda the story of where he came from and how he used to be the Duke of Milan but was usurped by his brother, he asks Miranda if she is listening properly to make sure there would be no broken communication between the two of them. He says, â€Å"I pray thee, mark me† and â€Å"Dost thou hear?† But Prospero does not communicate well and sometimes talks nonsense so that it is hard to understand what he means. Prospero explains that he gradually grew uninterested in ruling his kingdom and turned his attention more and more to his studies and books, neglecting his duties as duke. As he did not commun... ...ers have to take each of the Gaelic names and anglicise it, either by changing it into the approximate English sound or translate it into the English word, they feel they have had their identity taken away from them. Without a cultural background, or if people have their cultural identity taken away from them, they feel they have lost a sense of the person they are. Owen says, â€Å"My job is to translate the quaint, archaic tongue you people persist in speaking into the King’s good English.† This quotation shows how the English do not see the Irish as civilised people because they speak a different language that they do not understand. They think that they are doing the Irish a great favour and making them more civilised by Anglicising their places names and teaching them English. They do not realise they are taking away the Irish’s identity and background.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Factors Influencing The Occurrence Of Malnutrition Health And Social Care Essay

The childhood period is the most of import phase for the overall development during the lifetime. Brain and biological development takes topographic point at this phase Muller and Jahn, 2009. These developments are influenced by sufficient of stimulation and nutrition, and these development effects of build, the immune system, knowledge, every bit good as societal and emotional growing ( Handal et al. 2007 ) . Such development supports to guarantee that each kid achieves his or her prospective and is a constructive member of society ( Uthman, 2009 ) . When kids waste their early old ages with a decreased sum of motivation, or a less emotionally and physically encouraging status of encephalon advancement is affected and indicants to cognitive, societal and behavioural defers. Many factors can disrupt early kid development such as malnutrition ( WHO, 2009 ) . The nutritionary position of kids is a important presentation of wellness and development ; it is non merely a representation of past wellness but an of import index of future wellness ( Subramanyam et al. 2010 ) . Malnutrition is one of the of import wellness jobs throughout the universe, peculiarly in developing states ( Sarifzadeh et al. 2010 ; Hioui et Al. 2010 ) . Malnutrition is an of import public wellness job because it indicant to improved hazard of decease from infective diseases, more acute infections and a high cause of mortality, and making extra psychosocial loads ( Jesmin et al. 2011 ) . Malnutrition is a status doing scrawny growing, scraggy, and blowing ( Faber et al. 2010 ; Subramanyam et Al. 2010 ; Uthman, 2009 ; Kandala et Al. 2011 ; Janevic et al.2010 ) , inadequacy of protein, energy and other foods and instability between the foods the organic structure needs and the foods it receives ( Muller and Jahn, 2009 ) . Malnutrition can be detected by anthropometric measurings were height/length with age ( HAZ ) , weight with age ( WAZ ) and weight with height/length ( WHZ ) is measured against a set of WHO child and growing criterions and NCHS/WHO mention ( Hioui et al. 2010 ; Lesiapeto et Al. 2010 ) . Malnutrition degrees are still high in developing states around the universe ( Sunil, 2009 ) , an estimated cachexia 9.8 % , scraggy 17.9 % and stunting 29.2 % ( WHO, 2009 ) , included Indonesia. Harmonizing to the MoH Indonesia informed frequence of malnutrition in kids under five old ages of age during the twelvemonth 2010 in Indonesia 17.90 % are scraggy, 35.60 % stunted, 13.30 % showed cachexia, and in West Nusa Tenggara Province 48.30 % are stunting, 30.50 % are scraggy and 14.90 % are blowing. Many factors can be associated with the happening of malnutrition in kids. For illustration, inadequate wellness services and an unhealthy environment ( Schoeman et al. 2010 ; Hioui et Al. 2010 ) , socio-cultural environments ( Mashal et al.2008 ; Noughani & A ; Bagheri, 2010 ) , socioeconomic, maternal, and child factors ( Lesiapeto et al.2010 ; Hasselman et al.2006 ) , and socio-demographic factors ( Phengxay et al. 2007 ; Handal et al. 2007 ) . An apprehension of the most of import causes of malnutrition is imperative to be identified and an analysis would so bespeak more specii ¬?cally the type of policies, wellness plans and where resources should be focused to right the derivation causes of unfairness in childhood malnutrition ( Lesiapeto et al. 2010 ; Uthman, 2009 ) .AimGeneral ObjectiveThe chief aim in this research is to happen out the major factors act uponing the happening of malnutrition ( stunting, scraggy, and blowing ) in kids under five old ages of age.Specific ObjectiveTo depict prevalence of kid ‘s factors that can act upon of malnutrition in kids under five twelvemonth of age To depict prevalence of female parent ‘s factors that can act upon of malnutrition in kids under five twelvemonth of age To depict prevalence of family factor that can act upon of malnutrition in kids under five twelvemonth of age To cognize the dominant factor can act upon of malnutrition in kids under five twelvemonth of ageLITERATURE REVIEWDefinitionMalnutrition is a status manifested by stunting, being scraggy, and blowing if his/her height/length with age ( HAZ ) , weight with age ( WAZ ) and weight with height/length ( WHZ ) z-score was more than two standard divergences ( SDs ) below the mention median ( Lesiapeto et al. 2010 ; Subramanyam et Al. 2010 ; Uthman, 2009 ; Kandala et Al. 2011 ; Janevic et Al. 2010 ) , inadequacy of protein, energy and other foods and instability between the foods the organic structure needs and the foods it receives ( Muller, 2009 ) . Stunting is characterized by shortness-for-age or step of additive growing deceleration, an index of chronic malnutrition and calculated by comparing the height/length with age of a kid with a mention population of good nutrition and healthy kids ( Muller and Jahn, 2009 ; Sunil, 2009 ) . Wasting is a contemplation of a recent and acute procedure that has conducted to significant weight loss, normally associated with famishment and/or disease ; calculated by comparing weight with height/length of a kid with a mention population of good nutrition and healthy kids ; reveals the acute degree of malnutrition or the current nutritionary position of kids and frequently used to see the badness of the exigencies because it is intensely related to mortality ( Muller and Jahn, 2009 ; Sunil, 2009 ) . Underweight is measured by comparing the weight with age of a kid with a mention population of good nutrition, composite step that indicates both acute and chronic malnutrition in kids ( Muller and Jahn, 2009 ; Sunil, 2009 ) . Tabel 1: Feature of malnutritionNutritionStatus categorizationZ-scoreWeight with age for blowing Normal a†°Ã‚ ¤ – 1SD Rebuff -1SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -2SD Medium -2SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -3SD Acute accent -3SD & lt ; Height with age for scraggy Normal a†°Ã‚ ¤ – 1SD Rebuff -1SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -2SD Medium -2SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -3SD Acute accent -3SD & lt ; Weight with tallness for stunting Normal a†°Ã‚ ¤ – 1SD Rebuff -1SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -2SD Medium -2SD & lt ; Z a†°Ã‚ ¤ -3SD Acute accent -3SD & lt ; Beginning: WHO ( 2009 )Factors act uponing the happening of malnutritionChild factorsThe kid factors are act uponing the happening of malnutrition are, age of the kid, sex of kid, and suckling times ( Uthman, 2009 ) . Adequate nutrition during childhood is important for kid being, optimum growing and development during life span. The World Health Organization ( WHO ) recommended of sole breastfeeding times ( EBF ) for the first six months after born ( WHO, 2007 ) . The benefit of EBF for growing, buildup the unsusceptibility and bar of unwellness in immature babies is unquestionable ( Ulek et al. 2012 ) . If foods are in short supply or imbalanced, or if the kid is exposed to environmental stressors that interfere with alimentary consumption or use, growing is impaired. The shortages incurred consequence in irreversible harm, with related effects including shorter grownup tallness, lower educational accomplishment, reduced grownup returns and decreased of posterities birth weight ( S guassero, 2012 ) . Figure 1: Child growing criterion weight with age in male child ‘s birth to 5 old ages Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Figure 2: Child growing criterion length/height with age in male child ‘s birth to 5 old ages Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Figure 3: Child growing criterion weight with age in miss ‘s birth to 5 old ages Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Figure 4: Child growing criterion length/height with age in miss ‘s birth to 5 old ages Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Tabel 2: Age of kidsNoAge groups ( months )1 0aˆ‘5 2 6aˆ‘11 3 12aˆ‘23 4 24aˆ‘35 5 36aˆ‘47 6 48aˆ‘60 Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Tabel 3: Children ‘s Sexual activityNoChildren sex1 Male 2 Female Beginning: WHO ( 2009 ) Tabel 4: Breastfeeding timesNoBreastfeeding times ( months )1 0 – 2 2 3 – 4 3 5 – 6 Beginning: WHO ( 2009 )Mother factorsThe female parent factors act uponing the happening of malnutrition are female parent ‘s age, female parent ‘s business, and female parent ‘s instruction ( Uthman, 2009 ) . Mother ‘s instruction can bring forth different type of family consequence and thereby cut downing the hazard of nutritionary lack like malnutrition. The consequence which will convey through female parent ‘s instruction to improved wellness and nutrition cognition, psychological alterations and improved nutritionary behaviour, alteration of power dealingss within the family in encourage of better nutrition which includes breastfeeding, ablactating pattern, and child eating may take to more effectual dietetic behaviour on the portion of female parent ‘s who manage nutrient resources. Tabel 5: Mother ‘s ageNoMother ‘s age ( twelvemonth )1 15 – 19 2 20 – 24 3 25 – 29 4 30 – 34 5 40 – 44 6 45 – 49 Beginning: MoH Indonesia ( 2010 ) Tabel 6: Mother ‘s businessNoMother ‘s business1 Housewife 2 Farmer 3 Seller 4 Civil authorities Beginning: MoH Indonesia ( 2010 ) Tabel 7: Mother ‘s instructionNoMother ‘s instruction1 None 2 Primary school 3 Junior high school 4 Senior high school 5 Higher Beginning: MoH Indonesia ( 2010 )Family factorsThe family factors act uponing the happening of malnutrition are individual parent, two parent families, and extended household. The family performances as a context for the kid every bit good as facilitator that offer the support associated with promoting child wellness results ( Noughani, 2010 ) . Single parent is household with the caput of household has ne'er been married, widowed, divorced, abandoned, or separated who take attention of the kids or household. Two parents household or atomic household are the household consist of male parent, female parent, and kids populating in one house. Extended household is one of household type which the household portions household understandings and expenditures with parents, siblings, or other close relations ( Friedman, 2003 ) . Tabel 8: Family: ParentingNoType of rearing1 Single parent 2 Two parents 3 Extended household Beginning: MoH Indonesia ( 2010 )MATERIALS AND METHODSConceptual ModelChild ‘s factors:AgeSexual activityBreastfeedingMother ‘s Factors:AgeEducationOccupationHousehold Factor:RearingChild malnutrition:StuntingWastingUnderweightFigure 5. Thesis program conceptual model adopted from UNICEF ( 1997 )Research hypothesisIs there any relationship between kid factors, female parent factors, and family factor with happening of malnutrition in kids under five old ages of age.Research inquiryWhat is the most dominant factor act uponing the happening of malnutrition in kids under five old ages of age?Operational definitionMalnutrition in kids is the kid under five old ages of age who has diagnosed malnutrition by Department of Health in West Nusa Tenggara Province. Child factors are the factor in a kids related to age, sex and chest eating times of the kids. Mother factors are the factors related to age, instruction, and business of the female parents in the household. Household factor are the factors related to rearing ( individual parent, two parents, and extended household ) theoretical account in the household.MethodologyResearch designResearch design in this survey is descriptive statistic cross-sectional survey. A cross-sectional survey is one of the most common and celebrated of survey designs. In this type of research survey, furthermore the full population or a subset is selected, and from these persons, informations are collected to back up reply the research inquiries. The information that is collected describes what is traveling on at merely one point in clip ( Ollsen and George, 2004 ) .Population and samplePopulation in this research is households who have kids under five old ages of age in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. The focal point samples are households who have kids under five old ages of age in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. Sampling technique in this research is utilizing a purposive sample. The sample c hoice is based on the features.Inclusion StandardsChildren under five old ages old who live with their household Children under five old ages old who non in infirmary Family who willing to take portion in the survey Family in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia One kid in one householdSample SizeThe sample size was calculated utilizing G*Power version 3.1.5 with I ± ( error prob ) = 0.05 and power ( 1-I? mistake prob ) = 0.80, and estimated the entire minimal sample size are 113 kids.PutingThis research will be take topographic point in households at West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia.MeasurementThe anthropometric information of the kids were assessed utilizing the WHO Anthro package version 3.2.2. , to mensurate the informations about kid ‘s factors, female parent ‘s factors, and family factor will be utilizing inquirers. Because of this instrument used English linguistic communication, the research worker will interpret and so formalize by transcribers who were expert in both the English and Indonesia languages to guarantee equivalence the instrument in Indonesia linguistic communication.Ethical ConsiderationEthical blessing should be granted by Kasetsart University foremost. Then, a permission to make the research at the provincial and territory wellness offices, community wellness centres and voluntary are required. Participant information sheet ( PIS ) , namelessness, confidentiality, and informed consent will be used to protect sample and the research worker.Plan for informations aggregationThe information about households who have kids under five old ages of age collected from section of wellness in West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. The anthropometric information of the kids were assessed utilizing the WHO Anthro package version 3.2.2, and expressed as Z-scores for each of the anthropometric indices of malnutrition against both the new WHO child growing criterions and the older NCHS/WHO mention. A kid was defined as stunted, scraggy or wasted if his/her height/length with age ( HAZ ) , weight with age ( WAZ ) or weight with height/length ( WHZ ) Z-score was more than two standard divergences ( SDs ) below the mention median. Direct interview with a set of questionnaires will be used to roll up informations from the households related with kid ‘s factors, female parent ‘s factors, and family factor.Plan for informations analysisThe information obtained through family interviews and anthropometric measurings were field-checked, entered into a personal computer and so analyses utilizing Eview 4.0. Eview provide sophisticated information analysis, arrested development, and prediction tools on a Windows base computing machine. The WHO and National Center for Health Statistics ( NCHS ) criterion was employed as a mention population to find Z-scores for height/length with age, weight with age and weight with height/length. The prevalence of acrobatics, scraggy and blowing among kids under five old ages of age the XA? trial. Both bivariate and multivariate analyses were undertaken to place the significantly associated background variables ( independent variables ) with malnutrition ( dependent variable ) . While the dependent variable is dichotomous, the independent variables are composed of categorical, ordinal, and interval/ratio variables. The associations between independent variables, which are categorical or ordinal variables, and malnutrition were examined utilizing the XA? trial. As the dependant variable is dichotomous, logistic arrested development was undertaken as the multivariate analysis. The background variables without a important association with the dependant variable in bivariate analyses were dropped from independent variables for logistic arrested development.A survey budgetTable 9: Survey budgetNo Items Amount/ figure Estimation Price ( in Rupiah ) 1 Paper A4 70 GSM 5 ream @ 50.000 = 250.000 2 Transcript of inquirer 5 @ 100 @ 100 = 50.000 3 Printer ink 4 colourss @ 40,000 = 160.000 4 Transportation fee 2.500.000 5 Small gift for participant 100 @ 10.000 = 1.000.000 Entire 3.960.000 rupiahTimetableTable 10: Time tabular arrayActivity 2012 2013 August September October November December January February March April jun July August September Start composing proposal Defense proposal Ask for ethical issues Roll uping informations Analyzing informations Write chapter 4 and 5 Thesis defence Prepare for publication

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Data Analysis Essay

The first paper I analyzed was the pre-assessment questionnaire. I read through each question and answer and checked how many answers the students got correct. The student scored 3 out of the 6 questions correct. Given that this lesson was complied of all new learning materials (according o the teacher) I felt that the student did pretty well.The questions were multiple choice so even if the student guessed on the answers the student had a 1 in 3 shot Of doing so. The student got the easier questions correct such as ‘What is a compass rose? † and the â€Å"What is this a picture of? † questions. After analyzing the pre-assessment, I moved on to the post-assessment. This would demonstrate evidence of student learning since this was given at the end of the lesson.The Students scored 3 points which is the highest score you could get on this assessment. This means that the student followed all three of the directions correctly. The student created a map of the classroo m using the supplies given (colored pencils, card stock and a ruler), created a legend explaining what the symbols signified, and drew a compass rose on the map. This students post-assessment demonstrated evidence that he/she clearly understood the lesson objective.The student knew what a legend was and how to incorporate symbols onto a map by using one and was able to correctly draw a compass rose. The student obviously grasped the concept of the activity since he/she did so well on the assessment. Feel that the proof lies in both the pre and post assessment scores. The student went from not knowing a lot of information regarding maps to creating a map of the classroom complete with a functional legend and an accurate depiction of a compass rose.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Inca Road System - 25,000 Miles Connecting an Empire

Inca Road System - 25,000 Miles Connecting an Empire The Inca Road (called Capaq Ñan or Qhapaq Ñan in the Inca language Quechua and Gran Ruta Inca in Spanish) was an essential part of the success of the Inca Empire. The road system included an astounding 25,000 miles of roads, bridges, tunnels, and causeways. Key Takeaways: The Inca Road The Inca Road includes 25,000 miles of roads, bridges, tunnels, and causeways, a straight line distance of 2,000 miles from Ecuador to ChileConstruction followed existing ancient roadways; Incas began improving it as part of its imperial movements by the mid-15th centuryWay stations were established at every 10–12 miles  Use was restricted to elites and their messengers, but commoners maintained, cleaned and repaired and set up businesses to cater to the travelersLikely nonelite access by miners and others Road construction began in the mid-fifteenth century when the Inca gained control over its neighbors and started expanding their empire. The construction exploited and expanded on existing ancient roadways, and it ended abruptly 125 years later when the Spanish arrived in Peru. In contrast, the Roman Empires road system, also built on existing roadways, included twice as many miles of road, but it took them 600 years to build. Four Roads from Cuzco The Inca road system runs the entire length of Peru and beyond, from Ecuador to Chile and northern Argentina, a straight-line distance of some 2,000 mi (3,200 km). The heart of the road system is at Cuzco, the political heart and capital of the Inca Empire. All the main roads radiated out from Cuzco, each named for and pointed in the cardinal directions away from Cuzco. Chinchaysuyu, headed to the north and ending in Quito, EcuadorCuntisuyu, to the west and to the Pacific coastCollasuyu, led southward, ending in Chile and northern ArgentinaAntisuyu, eastward to the western edge of the Amazon jungle According to historical records, the Chinchaysuyu road from Cuzco to Quito was the most important of these four, keeping the rulers of the empire in close touch with their lands and subject people in the north. Inca Road Construction Original Inca built canal and street in city of Ollantaytambo, Peru. Jeremy Horner / Corbis NX / Getty Images Plus Since wheeled vehicles were unknown to the Inca, the surfaces of the Inca Road were intended for foot traffic, accompanied by llamas or alpacas as pack animals. Some of the roadways were paved with stone cobbles, but many others were natural dirt pathways between 3.5–15 ft (1–4 meters) in width. The roads were primarily built along straight lines, with only a rare deflection by no more than 20 degrees within a 3 mi (5 km) stretch. In the highlands, the roads were constructed to avoid major curves. To traverse the mountainous regions, the Inca built long stairways and switchbacks; for lowland roads through marshes and wetlands they built causeways; crossing rivers and streams required bridges and culverts, and desert stretches included the making of oases and wells by low walls or cairns. Practical Concerns The roads were primarily built for practicality, and they were intended to move people, goods, and armies quickly and safely across the length and breadth of the empire. The Inca almost always kept the road below an altitude of 16,400 feet (5,000 meters), and where at all possible they followed flat inter-mountain valleys and across plateaus. The roads skirted much of the inhospitable South American desert coast, running instead  inland along the Andean foothills where sources of water could be found. Marshy areas were avoided where possible. Architectural innovations along the trail where difficulties could not be avoided included drainage systems of gutters and culverts, switchbacks, bridge spans, and in many places low walls built to bracket the road and protect it from erosion. In some places,  tunnels and retaining walls were built to allow safe navigation. The Atacama Desert Inca Road through the Atacama Desert. San Pedro de Atacama, Antofagasta Region, Chile (Lagunas Miscanti and Mià ±iques). Jimfeng / iStock / Getty Images Plus Precolumbian travel across Chiles Atacama desert could not be avoided, however. In the 16th century, the Contact-period Spanish historian Gonzalo Fernandez de Oviedo crossed the desert using the Inca Road. He describes having to break his people into small groups to share and carry food and water supplies. He also sent horsemen ahead to identify the location of the next available water source. Chilean archaeologist Luis Briones has argued that the famed Atacama geoglyphs carved into the desert pavement and on the Andean foothills were markers indicating where water sources, salt flats, and animal fodder could be found. Lodging Along the Inca Road According to 16th-century historical writers such as Inca Garcilaso de la Vega, people walked the Inca Road at the rate of about ~12-14 mi (20–22 km) a day. Accordingly, placed along the road at every 12–14 miles are tambos or tampu, small building clusters or villages which acted as rest stops. These way stations provided lodging, food, and supplies for travelers, as well as opportunities for trading with local businesses. Several small facilities were kept as storage spaces to support tampu, of many different sizes. Royal officials called tocricoc were in charge of the cleanliness and maintenance of the roads; but a constant presence that could not be stamped out were pomaranra, road thieves or bandits. Carrying the Mail Steps cut into the native mountainside for the Inca Road leading to Machu Picchu. Geraint Rowland Photography / Moment / Getty Images A postal system was an essential part of the Inca Road, with relay runners called chasqui stationed along the road at .8 mi (1.4 km) intervals. Information was taken along the road either verbally or stored in the Inca writing systems of knotted strings called quipu. In special circumstances, exotic goods could be carried by the chasqui: it was reported that the ruler Topa Inca (ruled 1471–1493) could dine in Cuzco on two-day-old fish brought in from the coast, a travel rate of about 150 mi (240 km) each day. American packaging researcher Zachary Frenzel (2017) studied methods used by Incan travelers as illustrated by Spanish chroniclers. People on the trails used rope bundles, cloth sacks, or large clay pots known as aribalos to carry goods. The aribalos were likely used for the movement of chicha beer, a maize-based mildly alcoholic beverage that was an important element of elite Inca rituals. Frenzel found that traffic continued on the road after the Spanish arrived in the same manner, except for the addition of wooden trunks and leather bota bags for carrying liquids. Non-State Uses Chilean archaeologist Francisco Garrido (2016, 2017) has argued that the Inca Road also served as a traffic route for bottom-up entrepreneurs. The Inca-Spanish historian Garcilaso de la Vega stated unequivocally that commoners were not permitted to use the roads unless they had been sent to run errands by the Inca rulers or their local chiefs. However, was that ever a practical reality of policing 40,000 km? Garrido surveyed a portion of the Inca Road itself and other nearby archaeological sites in the Atacama desert in Chile and found that the roads were used by the miners to circulate mining and other craft products on the road and to funnel off-road traffic to and from the local mining camps. Interestingly, a group of economists led by Christian Volpe (2017) studied the effects of modern expansions on the Inca road system, and suggest that in modern times, improvements in transport infrastructure have had a significant positive impact on various companies exports and job growth. Selected Sources Hiking the section of the Inca Road leading to Machu Picchu is a popular tourist experience. Contreras, Daniel A. How Far to Conchucos? A Gis Approach to Assessing the Implications of Exotic Materials at Chavà ­n De Huntar. World Archaeology 43.3 (2011): 380–97. Print.Garrido Escobar, Franciso Javier. Mining and the Inca Road in the Prehistoric Atacama Desert, Chile. University of Pittsburgh, 2015. Print.Garrido, Francisco. Rethinking Imperial Infrastructure: A Bottom-up Perspective on the Inca Road. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology 43 (2016): 94–109. Print.Garrido, Francisco, and Diego Salazar. Imperial Expansion and Local Agency: A Case Study of Labor Organization under Inca Rule. American Anthropologist 119.4 (2017): 631–44. Print.Marsh, Erik J., et al. Dating the Expansion of the Inca Empire: Bayesian Models from Ecuador and Argentina. Radiocarbon 59.1 (2017): 117–40. Print.Wilkinson, Darryl. Infrastructure and Inequality: An Archaeology of the Inka Road through the Amaybamba Cloud Forests. Journal of Social Archaeology 19.1 (2019): 27à ¢â‚¬â€œ46. Print.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Things Fall Apart Symbolism

Things Fall Apart Symbolism The novel â€Å"Things Fall Apart† takes a central role on the changing system of contemporary literature in Africa. The author refutes a widespread stereotype claiming that before colonization, Africa did not have a culture. It represents political and social background in a detailed realistic method. The foundations of African oral tradition which include proverbs, tales and symbols are frequently used in this novel.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Things Fall Apart: Symbolism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More â€Å"Things Fall Apart† is an exhilarating novel that uses vast literature styles such as symbolism to illustrate the principles of African cultural erosion as a result of embracing the western culture. By use of symbols, the author illustrates how the African culture was shattered by European style of life when Christianity was embraced in the African society. In this book, numerous symbols are used as discussed below. Yams This is a crop that is commonly grown by men. Growing of this crop requires intensive labor, and the work ethics of a man can be measured by the portion of field and harvest obtained. In the African set up, the sole objective of growing yams is to acquire wealth and feed the family. They symbolize a man’s ability to provide. In this novel, a man who was in possession of bulk yams was portrayed as not a failure like Unoka-he had a large barn full of yams (Chinua, 1958, p. 4). Nwakibie refuses to give the young men yams citing that they would dump them on earth rather than taking care of them as a man would do for his family to flourish. Yams are very precious and would only be owned by hardworking individuals. The central positioning of the yam highlights the defining traits of the tribe. The symbolic meaning is illustrated by its use as a source of satisfaction. Owing to the intensive efforts needed in cultivating it, bulk harvest represents yea rly achievement gained from the nature. A yam’s image is brought out as an essential necessity of the culture. Folktales According to Okonkwo, most of the folktales in the novel featuring small animals symbolize women’s behavior, for example the Ekwefl’s tale that talks about the birds and the tortoise who were invited for a feast in the sky. This blocked out the tortoise since he had no wings to fly and the birds were aware of his ungratefulness and cunning behavior, thus could not help him out. The tortoise was starving and had to sweet talk the birds in order to nurture his hunger. In their journey, the tortoise claims of a custom that demands them to take new names though the idea was to acquire the most respectable position. Since the women were all inferior, they gave in and the cunning tortoise ended up feasting on the best food leaving leftovers for the birds. The tales depicts indecisive character of women and also provides useful morals in the society. Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Fire Okonkwo is compared to fire by other characters and the narrator; he is branded â€Å"Roaming Flame in the town† (Chinua, 1958, p. 122). According to him, fire is a symbol of strength. While seated in his hut after a quarrel with his son Nwoye, Okonkwo stared on a log fire and felt a strong feeling to rise up, take up a machete and clear the Christians who Nwoye was associating with. Whenever Okonkwo would gaze at fire, a wild feeling of strength would fill his body. Mother of the spirits Mother of the spirits can be viewed as personification by the clan of Umofia and the mother of Egwugwu. At this juncture, the style of life of Umuofia is deeply disregarded and the damage committed is irreparable. The mother of spirits mourns her son’s death loudly after the unmasking night. A comparison between the clan and Mo ther of spirits is drawn, â€Å"†¦it seemed as if the very soul of the clan wept for the great evil that was coming its own death†(Chinua, 1958, p. 145). Its imperative that the Mother of spirits does not revenge her son’s death but rather mourns and weeps. People of Umuofia would not revenge for crimes committed against them. Okonkwo He symbolizes masculinity; a character deeply opposed to the Christian belief of love. The spirit of African people is represented collectively by his personality. Just like the Igbos, he is a strong person who is very independent. Weinstock and Ramadan (1978) pointed out the following in regard to Okonkwo: Okonkwo is consistently associated with masculinity, and he virtually always mistrusts, opposes and attacks anything feminine or linked with femininity. Christianity embodies and stresses the qualities Okonkwo considers to be womanish- love affection, and mercy; and he characteristically valuates the missionaries as a lot of effem inate men clucking like old hens (p.128). Okonkwo fights courageously against ideologies opposing what he valued. The death of African culture is symbolized by Okonkwo’s death. Achebe decided to illustrate the hands of Africans’ giving in to Christianity to take charge by the act of Okonkwo committing suicide rather than being killed and subsequently wiping out the culture of Africa. It is a conspiracy to have written a whole book about negativity of colonization that the last statement in the book could belong to the Britain District commissioner. He makes a remark on the suicide act by saying it was possible to dedicate Okonkwo a paragraph in his book. This slightly contradicted the theme meant by Achebe since portraying Africans as primitive differed from what Achebe wanted to demonstrate. By using the symbol of Okonkwo’s death through suicide, Achebe points out that Africans should also be blamed for letting in foreign ideologies to develop in their land.Adv ertising We will write a custom essay sample on Things Fall Apart: Symbolism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Nwoye’s personality Nwoye’s personality was a symbol of Christianity. His father always fought against feminine behavior. His conversion to Christianity was to strengthen the symbol created by Achebe. Okonkwo’s joy and pride was his family while Nwoye’s conversion to Christianity was the last pain he would endure. Owing to his son’s rejection of his lifestyle, the only option left was to cease living. Nweoye’s adoption22 of a new name His decision to take up a new name, Isaac, with the importance it carried confirms his loyalty to Christianity religion. Though the exact name that he picks imply significance beyond the immediate sense of personal salvation, it brings out memories of the Biblical story of Abraham where an animal was substituted for his son, Isaac. Adoption of this name by Nwoye’s portrays the complete meaning of his conversion which was the key sign of liberation from limitation of the family creation. Weather Weather takes up a crucial role in the lives of Nigerians especially the Igbos. Availability of rain or its unavailability illustrates that the tribe was dependent on weather for survival. Weather limits the extent to which their crops grow and the flow of the rivers which in turn influence their water and food supply. On sunny days, the sun is utilized by the crops and in warming up things. Nevertheless, excess rain or sun is likely to cause damage (Rand, 1966). Locust invasion Invasion by locusts symbolizes grand invasion with devastating destruction. Two important events are considered to establish the locust link. In the text â€Å"†¦At first, a fairly small swarm came†¦ implying that †¦they were the harbingers sent to survey the land†¦ (Chinua, 1958, p. 43). He pointed out the first arrival of whites and othe rs on the way. This link of events was done deliberately. The cognition gulf is linked up by the myth of locust through establishment of the unknown and known. People were not aware of locusts though it was the myth behind them and the danger of economic failure. The author illustrates the locusts that invaded the village using allegorical phrases which foreshadowed the coming of white men in African land. Their intentions were to exploit all the resources of Igbo tribe. Owing to the fact that Igbo consumed locust, it shows that they are not offensive. In the same way, individuals who were simulated to Christianity overlooked negative impacts; the white people’s culture would impact to their culture. The language used by Achebe in describing the locust invasion depicts their symbolic reputation. Use of repetitive style draws emphasis on the pervasive presence of locusts and a hint in the manner in which the white settlers would occupy Igbo’s land by surprise. It is not ed that the locusts were too heavy, and that is why they broke the branches of a tree. This was a symbol of how the traditions and culture of the Igbo’s would fracture on attack by colonialism as well as white settlement (Oyekan, 1993).Advertising Looking for essay on literature languages? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Okonkwo death The death of Okonkwo is a heroic death that is analogous to a warrior who is attached to his people. This symbolizes catastrophic demise that great people face. This is because committing suicide is regarded as abomination contrary to the earth and thus should not be buried by clansmen. But in the right of African style, Okonokwo’s death could not be considered as a heroic death; rather, it can only be seen as a shameful death. The irritating final words Obierika casted to the District Commissioner hold indisputable ambiguity within Igbo point of view, in memory of heroism and shameful act of killing himself (Okonkwo). From the novel, he was portrayed as the greatest man in Umuofia and was forced to commit suicide and buried in a disrespectful manner (David, 1998). Conclusion Things Fall Apart is a thrilling novel that uses symbolic literature style to demonstrate the credo of Africa cultural erosion through embracing of the western culture. Most of the Africans were not ready to give in to the white man’s way of life, and as such, Okonkwo would rather cease living than adopt the white man’s way of life. Colonization plays a bigger role in the society, and the culture takes up a central role. Symbolic events and characters are used to help the reader have a deeper understanding of the society. References Chinua, A. (1958). Things Fall Apart. New York: Heinemann Education Books. David, K. (1998). The African Novel and the Modernist Tradition. New York: Peter Lanng publishers. Oyekan, O. (1993). A History of Twentieth-century African Literatures. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska. Rand, B. (1966). Contributions in afro- American studies. Greenwood: Greenwood press. Weinstock, D., Ramadan, C. (1978). Critical Perspectives on Chinua Achebe. Washington D.C: Three Continents Press.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Favorite House Styles in the USA

Favorite House Styles in the USA Cape Cod and Ranch style houses were once the rage, but Americas tastes have changed over the past decade. Here are todays favorite house styles, according to our Dream House Survey. Mind you, this survey isnt scientific, but the results suggest some interesting trends. Readers are choosing homes homes with cozy details and a romantic flavor. Do you agree? 1. Craftsman Bungalow House Style Homey bungalows with low-pitched roofs and exposed rafters took America by storm in the early 1900s... and then faded from favor after 1930. But perhaps the style is making a comeback. Craftsman and Arts Crafts homes and bungalow homes were the most popular pick in our Dream House survey. 2. Tudor and English Country House Styles Scoring a close second in our Dream House Survey, this cozy style with half-timber details is reminiscent of Medieval English cottages and manor homes. Readers who responded to our survey were drawn to the small, diamond-paned windows and exposed wood framing found in many Tudor Revival homes. 3. Victorian Queen Anne House Styles Victorian is not actually a style, but a period in history, and Victorian architecture comes in many forms. There are the austere stick style homes, the fanciful Gothic Revival cottages,  and the majestic Italianates. But when people discuss Victorian architecture, they are often thinking of Americas so-called Queen Anne  style an elaborate, rather feminine, fashion with lavish details such as towers, wrap-around porches, bay windows, and elaborate trim. Queen Anne ranks number three in our survey, falling behind the more restrained Craftsman and Tudor styles. 4. Georgian Colonial House Styles Symmetrical, orderly Georgian houses became a prominent Colonial house style. Today, Georgian Colonial Revival is a model often imitated for elegant new homes. 5. Prairie House Styles Frank Lloyd Wright pioneered this style in Chicago at the turn of the century. Low-pitched hipped roofs give Prairie style  homes the appearance of hugging the earth, and the square, often symmetrical lines suggest strength and homespun values. 6. Dreams for the Future Borrowing ideas from the past, modern-day styles take on many shapes. One imaginative reader said that he dreamed of owning a home designed for desert living. The floors, he said, would be polished concrete. Air conditioning and heat will duct through the cement slab up through sand-filled interior walls, he wrote. Sounds very modern. Desert Modern. 7. Homes for Right Now Dream houses dont have to be big. In fact. sometimes our deepest passions come in small packages. One man from Ohio has created his own dream house. The 150-year-old cottage has no electricity, so hand tools and elbow grease were used to paint the shutters, sand the floors, and decorate the rooms with an admittedly eccentric style. A quirky man with dogged independence, he writes, This was meant to be fun, not some job to be instantly done. We cant argue with that. More Top Picks A few more questions: Out of all the styles to choose from, whats your favorite? Why do you love it? Here are responses:   High Victorian: Queen Anne, Second Empire, and the like are a showcase of fine craftsmanship not likely to be seen on such a grand scale again. I own an original foursquare. While I appreciate the nice woodwork, its too rectilinear.I like Colonial Revival and Ranch homes, but I also like Foursquare houses because that is what my grandparents had.Arts and Crafts: As a design enthusiast, my favorite style is Arts Crafts. Its wide and low pitched roofs, use of natural materials, earth-toned color schemes, and overall craftsmanship makes the Arts Crafts style hard to ignore and almost impossible to duplicate today. Morris, Greene, Stickley (Sears Roebuck) and, to a great extent, Wright owe much of what they did for architecture in this country, to the East (Asia if Im not mistaken). From Bungalow to Craftsman to Prairie, you will find very, very few people who are NOT taken with the Arts Crafts style.Tidewater: I love the tidewater houses. The wrap-around porches are efficient ventil ation systems. Living in the South, we are able to enjoy a lot of porch weather! Tropical Architecture: This is not a very recognized style but I love it because it addresses issues of the humid climate.Dutch Colonial: I like the dutch colonial revival with the gambrel roof, and also the standard colonial revival..Give Me a Ranch: I love the classic Raised Ranch. The home can be small in square footage but has potential to be designed in such a way that it feels bigger.Federalist Style House: The look of size is impressive in itself but the appearance of sturdiness and durability says home. Even Katrina couldnt blow this house down.Greek Revival: Greek Revival is American architecture at its besta style that is distinctly American for Americans. Chaste and classical, while formal and informal, yet beautiful and timeless are just a few of its many attractive qualities.Spanish: I absolutely love the Spanish-Mediterranean-Pueblo-Missionary type houses. They have a beautiful tropical warm appearance with a comfortable at home feel. Its like living a dream.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Analyze rhythm of Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes Essay

Analyze rhythm of Let America Be America Again by Langston Hughes - Essay Example After the first three stanzas, there is a couplet that is rhyming and after it, the rhyming scheme that is adopted in the first three stanzas changes. The poem contains the rhyming scheme of blues and jazz that is a special feature of Black poetry (Roberts and Jacobs 2007). Similarly, the words, â€Å"I am the† and many others are employed to create a rhythm in the poem. Moreover rhyming words are used in stanzas to create a rhythm with the help of rhyme such as â€Å"be and free†, â€Å"again and plain†, â€Å"love and above†, â€Å"sleek and weak†, â€Å"greed and need† and many more. The length of stanzas and lines vary in order to put stress on some lines. After seeing the poem, the poem also appears a free verse at many points as the rhyming pattern seems somehow absent with a little rhyme absent such as: In the above-mentioned stanza, only â€Å"me† and â€Å"be† are rhyming, remaining all the stanza is deprived of a rhyming scheme. The poem uses a lot of repetitive words such as â€Å"America†, â€Å"millions†, â€Å"Whose†, â€Å"all†, â€Å"And† and many phrases such as â€Å"Let it be† and â€Å"Who are you†. The author is unhappy about his land, America. To him, he is not allowed to get equal right for each and every field of life. Hughes writes the poem, â€Å"Let America Be America Again† from the perspective of a black man such as Whitman has written from his perspective. The tone of the poem is somewhat pessimistic as the author is not happy with the current condition of America and regards it as a changed state. Rhythm is also created because of the reiteration or recurrence of stresses and pauses. Hughes makes use of repeated anaphora. For example, in the first lines by making use of the repeated anaphora of â€Å"Let it be†, Hughes acknowledges the fact that America is not what it should be and informs the reader with his perspective in a

What were the significant issues of American foreign policy under Essay

What were the significant issues of American foreign policy under President Theodore Roosevelt Explain - Essay Example This policy of non-intervention continued until the end of the nineteenth century, when a call for America to pursue a more proactive role in world affairs, in keeping with her position as a great power, began to gain popularity. Its chief adherents were in the Republican Party, and consisted of Theodore Roosevelt, Admiral Alfred Mahan, John Hay and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who advocated America’s adoption of â€Å"the large policy† committed to the expansion of U.S. influence and territory overseas (Raico, 1995). President Theodore Roosevelt may be considered the chief architect of America’s new foreign policy of active intervention in global affairs. Theodore Roosevelt was born on 27 October, 1858, in New York City. He graduated from Harvard and went on to study Law at Columbia University, dropping out in pursuit of interest in politics, and winning a seat in the New York Assembly in 1882. He subsequently served as Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York City Police Board and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As the commandant of the ‘Rough Riders’ regiment, he was a hero in the Spanish-American War. He became the Governor of New York State in 1898 and then the Vice-President under President McKinley in 1900. On McKinley’s assassination in 1901, Theodore Roosevelt became the President of the United States and remained in that office until 1909. Roosevelt extended the influence and stature of the executive, introduced conservation and progressive reforms through welfare measures, government regulation of big business and his ‘Square Deal’ approach to domestic economy and social justic e. Roosevelt died on 6 January, 1919. (Miller Center of Public Affairs website). President Theodore Roosevelt embarked on an aggressive foreign policy geared to make America the most influential force in global affairs. In keeping with his diplomatic motto to â€Å"speak softly

Friday, October 18, 2019

Federalist and Democratic-Republican attitudes toward the national Essay

Federalist and Democratic-Republican attitudes toward the national government - Essay Example They perceived a loose interpretation of the constitution through Hamilton exercising taxes and performing the manufacturing act. The Federalists thought a bill of rights was not part of the articles of confederation, expressed fear of unbridled democracy and of the despotic masses. The Republicans were opposing a strong executive power and Hamilton financial program. Believed in a weak central government and that none of the acts did anything to promote national unity against other countries but played a role in eroding the countrys unity. They believed that a central government covering a large empire would turn into an absolute monarchy. The Republicans emphasized on a strict interpretation of the constitution, and that congress may not pass ant laws. All powers are not granted to the central government and are reserved for the citizens and the state as per the bill of rights amendment. They believed that states can better represent the wishes of the people and expressed fear of strong executive. Republicans also feared for abuse of power and elections were not to be held annually as they were under the confederation. They believed that a bill of rights was necessary to protect the citizens from an oppressive central

CIT Summary and Response Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

CIT Summary and Response Paper - Essay Example For that reason, therefore, the principle of common good seeks the good of all members of the society, as opposed to the selfish interests of the individual members of the society. The common good can be understood analogously as the social and the community dimension of the moral good. This is because just as the moral actions of an individual are accomplished in doing what is right, the actions of a society attain their full stature when they bring about the common good. Every human society that is aimed at serving its members should ensure that it guided by the principle of the common good. This is because human beings cannot find fulfilment individually, i.e. in isolation from other people; the happiness of the individual members of a human society is dependent on the common good of the society. For this reason, therefore, every member of the society should commit themselves in seeking the common good of the whole society. The principle of the common demands respect of the human person and his fundamental rights; the principle of the common good, therefore, demands that there should be peace and justice in the society. This is because peace and justice are a necessary conditions for the respect of fundamental rights of the human rights in the society. A community with the principle of common good, therefore, should ensure that its members are able to meet their basic needs, and that they are guaranteed their fundamental freedoms/liberties that respect their fundamental rights. Although common good is quite import in every society and every member of the society should seek it, attaining the common good, however, is not easy. This is because common good requires that we should seek the good of other people as if it were our own good. Since every person in the society has the right to enjoy the social conditions that are brought about by the quest for common good, there should be social justice in the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Networking Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Networking Infrastructure - Essay Example iv) Not all communication channels preserve the order of messages sent to them. To deal with the possible loss of sequencing them, the protocol must make explicit provision for the receiver to allow the pieces to be put back together properly. v) Sometimes the process may be unable to accept long messages. This property leads to mechanisms for disassembling, transmitting, and then reassembling messages.(Computer networks- Andrew S. Tanenbaum) The above architecture consists of four areas: NC area (NCA), freely accessible area (FAA) for subscription purposes, protected provider's private area (PPA) for service-specific servers and global Internet (GI). These areas are physically separated and IP traffic between them is run over a router with enabled packet-filtering controlled by the LS (log in server). The client will be connected to UNIX based server (i.e. the Sunblade machine). Setting up a DHCP server enables the user to manage the addresses and other network information for client computers on the private network. With the DHCP configured on the network, a client computer can simply indicate that it wants to use DHCP and the DHCP server can provide it's IP address, network mask, DNS server, router and other information needed to get up and running on the network. With the DHCP, the user can simplify the initial network configuration that each client computer on the network needs to do. Later as the network evolves, the information can be easily updated, having changes automatically picked up clients when they restart their network interfaces. The minimum tools needed to set up DHCP server are: A firewall that allows requests for DHCP service. A configured /etc/dhcpd.conf file (For Sunblade machine) A running dhcp server daemon The DNS (Domain Name System) is essentially a distributed database that translates hostnames into IP addresses and IP addresses back to host names. The database also contains information related to each domain, such as how the domain is organized into zones, where to route mail for that domain and whom to contact with questions associated with the domain. To maintain the DNS server efficiently the following configuration tasks can be performed: Logging: The user can indicate what he wants to log and where log files reside. Remote server options: The user can set options for specific DNS servers to perform such tasks as blocking information from a bad server, setting encryption keys to use with a server or defining transfer methods. In the above model the DNS, DHCP, Win server, mail and FTP all have public IP addresses. 2. Network Address Translation allows a single device, such as a router, to act as agent between the Internet (or "public network") and a local (or "private") network. This means that only a single unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers to anything outside their network. The shortage of IP addresses is only one reason to use NAT. Two other good reasons

Geography Question-Answer Format Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geography Question-Answer Format - Essay Example The Stone Age advanced to be more diverse and altered by progressive use of the tool. Besides, there is certainly a lot of evidence for the use of wood throughout the Paleolithic Age. Wood was used for making ladders, lighting fire, as a pigment (charcoal), drying wood and as digging sticks. One of the distinguishing features of the Paleolithic age was building of shelters and use of clothing which made habitation in unfriendly environment much easier. This became a permanent feature of man during this period. Secondly, one of the features that distinguished the early society that distinguished human from the other surviving non-human primates was their ostensibly omnivorous diet. Furthermore, humans had advanced communication skills by a way of coherent speech. Through communication and usage of words as symbols, hominids cold organize themselves into a culture with an identity. At the early stages of settlement, human beings discovered fire and its usage. Moreover, the early societ y diffused seeds and nuts onto the vegetation for plantation activities. Interestingly, through hunting and gathering activities, human’s occupation had a dramatic effect on the animal population causing migration and even extinction of some great mammalian species. It can be argued that the low population densities of the hunters, gatherers and scavenger human groups were attributed to the introduction of pastoralism and agriculture (Goudie). The second phase is plant cultivation, animal keeping and metal working. Historically, humans began to domesticate animals and to gather food  plants rather than just hunt animals. Although it is now recognized that some hunters and gathers had significant leisure, there is no doubt that through the controlled breeding of animals and plants humans were able to develop a more expandable and a reliable source of food; thereby, creating a solid and secure basis for cultural advancement. It opened doors fro

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Networking Infrastructure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Networking Infrastructure - Essay Example iv) Not all communication channels preserve the order of messages sent to them. To deal with the possible loss of sequencing them, the protocol must make explicit provision for the receiver to allow the pieces to be put back together properly. v) Sometimes the process may be unable to accept long messages. This property leads to mechanisms for disassembling, transmitting, and then reassembling messages.(Computer networks- Andrew S. Tanenbaum) The above architecture consists of four areas: NC area (NCA), freely accessible area (FAA) for subscription purposes, protected provider's private area (PPA) for service-specific servers and global Internet (GI). These areas are physically separated and IP traffic between them is run over a router with enabled packet-filtering controlled by the LS (log in server). The client will be connected to UNIX based server (i.e. the Sunblade machine). Setting up a DHCP server enables the user to manage the addresses and other network information for client computers on the private network. With the DHCP configured on the network, a client computer can simply indicate that it wants to use DHCP and the DHCP server can provide it's IP address, network mask, DNS server, router and other information needed to get up and running on the network. With the DHCP, the user can simplify the initial network configuration that each client computer on the network needs to do. Later as the network evolves, the information can be easily updated, having changes automatically picked up clients when they restart their network interfaces. The minimum tools needed to set up DHCP server are: A firewall that allows requests for DHCP service. A configured /etc/dhcpd.conf file (For Sunblade machine) A running dhcp server daemon The DNS (Domain Name System) is essentially a distributed database that translates hostnames into IP addresses and IP addresses back to host names. The database also contains information related to each domain, such as how the domain is organized into zones, where to route mail for that domain and whom to contact with questions associated with the domain. To maintain the DNS server efficiently the following configuration tasks can be performed: Logging: The user can indicate what he wants to log and where log files reside. Remote server options: The user can set options for specific DNS servers to perform such tasks as blocking information from a bad server, setting encryption keys to use with a server or defining transfer methods. In the above model the DNS, DHCP, Win server, mail and FTP all have public IP addresses. 2. Network Address Translation allows a single device, such as a router, to act as agent between the Internet (or "public network") and a local (or "private") network. This means that only a single unique IP address is required to represent an entire group of computers to anything outside their network. The shortage of IP addresses is only one reason to use NAT. Two other good reasons

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Cultures Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Cultures - Essay Example Therefore, subcultural art is more rigorous to dissent against certain aspects of the society what the subcultural people believed to be oppressive and tyrannical. The most effective but the non-violent forms that the subcultural people use to demonstrate against tyrannical entity in a society are art and music. Whereas the dominant cultural arts are confined to criticize any ailing social aspects in mild and insinuative metaphorical expressions, subcultural arts and music often are found to follow a more sarcastic way. The use of art to demonstrate and to dissent against the tyrannical social aspects was the most extensive in the post Second World War period. Indeed the rising subcultural demonstration was a response to the drastic socioeconomic and political changes in the countries that were primarily supposed to be induced by the drastic transitions in the global power structure and economy due to some epoch-making historical events such as the fall colonial power, the Second Wor d War, the Cold War and the economic depressions of the 1960s. Rapid urbanizations with the blessings of science and technology, the massive practice of the rationalistic view of human life, the decay of blind and rigorous religiosity, the massive awareness of man’s rights and roles in the political power especially in democracy, and the rise of the industrial working class gave birth to innumerous cultural and countercultural movements in the post Second World War period and especially in the 1960s. Whereas the traditional cultural art and literature were found to be preoccupied with the prospects of an elegant life based on the blessings of science and technology, the subcultural art and music primarily focused on the consequential negative impacts of the modernity-induced transformations in the society. Lack of a stable and established

Monday, October 14, 2019

Romeo and Juliet †Literary Paragraph Essay Example for Free

Romeo and Juliet – Literary Paragraph Essay In Romeo and Juliet, each character has a specific role and for the main character, Romeo, seems to be the one who changes the most. Romeo changes throughout the play as he is constantly become mature. As Romeo’s thoughts, feelings and actions have revealed his great changes among all other characters. According to the play, Romeo presented three palpable changes as the followings, he gets over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet, his hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth, and he forgets about his desire to die right after receiving the message from Nurse. These changes made Romeo’s character even more important and appealing, which presented the love, hatred and violence of play. Firstly, Romeo changes the most because he quickly gets over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet in the first Act. Romeo is first presented as a lovesick boy who is greatly depressed about Rosaline’s refusals. But then, after Romeo encounters Juliet in the Capulet’s party, he apparently forgets about Rosaline and falls in love with Juliet. Meanwhile his mood changes from vulnerable to excited and confident, this has shown that Romeo is quite fickle and immature in love. For example, in the play when Romeo first sees Rosaline in the party he mutters â€Å"Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight!/ For I ne’er saw true beauty till this night.† (I. v. 52-53). He completely forgets about Rosaline that he loved so much before and how fast he falls in love with Juliet at first sight. Also, in the play when Romeo leaves Juliet’s balcony to Friar Lawrence place, he informs Friar Lawrence about his plan for marring Juliet, â€Å"With Rosaline, my ghostly father? No!/ I have forgot that name, and that name woe.† (II. iii. 46-47). Romeo even forgets Rosaline’s name with the sorrow she brings him. Indeed, Romeo is becoming positive and enthusiastic about love again while he gets over Rosaline after meeting Juliet. Soon, Romeo’s love changes to hatred easily. Secondly, Romeo changes the most as his hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth. Regarding Romeo marries Juliet and his love grows deeper than anyone, he becomes more pleasing in front of Juliet’s cousin, Tybalt. For example, although Tybalt tries to draw Romeo into a fight, Romeo convinces him that he loves him as he has secretly become one of his family members by marrying Juliet, â€Å"Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee,/ Doth much excuse the appertaining rage/ To such greeting. Villain am I none;/ Therefore farewell; I see you don’t really know me.† (III. I. 58-61). Since Romeo marries Juliet, he loves Tybalt as a family of Juliet’s and that helps him overcome the anger he should really feels from Tybalt’s insults. However, Tybalt kills Mercutio ultimately and that makes Romeo become really angry. Therefore, Romeo’s hatred exceeds his love towards Tybalt again as he rea lizes Mercutio dies and he declared, Away to heaven, respective lenity, And fire-eyed fury be my conduct now! Now, Tybalt, take the â€Å"villain† back again That late thou gav’st me; for Mercutio’s soul Is but a little way above our heads, Staying for thine to keep him company. Either thou, or I, or both, must go with him.† (III. i. 199-126). Romeo loses his temper and looks for revenge for his friend, Mercutio. After he killed Tybalt, he is banished from Verona by Prince Escalus. In this situation, he has completely changed his love to hatred and this also portrayed Romeo’s impulsive and bad temper character. Therefore, Romeo’s hatred towards Tybalt changes into love back and forth made him the character who changes the most throughout the play. Yet his banishment leads him to a great emotion change afterwards. Lastly, nevertheless Romeo changes from desiring of death into being statisfy and forgets about his mind after receiving Nurse’s message. Thus Romeo realizes banishment might keeps him and Juliet apart from each other, he wishes to be dead instead and he tries to stab himself. Moreover, in the play when Nurse brings Juliet’s ring to Friar Lawrence’s place for Romeo, Romeo forgets about the grief and tears from recieving banishment and becomes comforted right away. â€Å"How well my comfort is reviv’d by this† (III. iii. 169) Romeo is greatly satisfied by the ring that Nurse gave him. In addition, in the novel play when Friar Lawrence suggests Romeo should do what his marriage decrees him to do, to climb to her room to comfort her and stays with her the night, Romeo revived and being confident again. Romeo says â€Å" But that a joy past joy calls out on me,/ It were a grief, so brief to part with thee.† (III. iii. 177-178), meaning that this idea, this joy surpasses all any other happiness, which would be sad if he misses and leaves Juliet so quickly. From this scene, capricious of Romeo’s character is seen once again, also it illustrated his great emotion change in the play. For this reason, Romeo changes the most throughout the play. In conclusion, no doubt that the character who changes the most throughout the play Romeo and Juliet is Romeo because of his great emotional and physical changes from getting over Rosaline right after meeting Juliet, changing his hatred into love towards Tybalt back and forth, and forgetting about his desire to die right after receiving the message from Nurse. Believing that this is also how Romeo as a main character in a romantic and tragic play is developed, becoming a strong man from being a â€Å"lost† man, to a revived man all by love and passion.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Against Mandatory School Uniforms in Public School Essay -- Education

Imagine that you pick your seven-year-old child up from school. He is crying and wearing a different outfit than the one he wore to school. This is naturally upsetting but not as upsetting as your next discovery. His shirt, one you have never seen before, has a large "L" written on the sleeve in permanent marker; his shorts, also not his, are too large, stained and faded. Upon questioning your child, you discover that, despite your best efforts at compliance, your child’s clothing has violated the school’s uniform policy. Neither you nor your husband was called to bring your child a "compliant" change of clothing; rather a loaner uniform was forced upon your child. He was made to change into these alien clothes (McBride "Student" 1-2). The debate over mandatory uniforms in the public school system is raging across the country and in our own backyards. Proponents claim uniforms improve many areas in the educational arena while opponents vigorously challenge these claims. Opponents also cite potential civil rights violations while uniform supporters counter that the potential benefits greatly outweigh any loss of freedoms. The issue of mandatory uniforms in the public schools gained the spotlight of national attention following President Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address. During that speech the President stated, "If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms" (Clinton 4). The President later visited Long Beach, California, where the first, district wide, mandatory school uniform policy in the country was enjoying seemingly remarkable success. He told those attending his speech that he had signed an order instructing the Secretary of Education to send to all school districts across the nation the newly generated Manual on School Uniforms ("Clinton" 1). The manual outlines specific steps for school districts wishing to implement uniform policies. It also gives examples of a few model policies from across the nation (United 1-7). The President went on to thank and praise Long Beach for their glowingly successful uniform policy ("Clinton" 3). Thus, the Long Beach Unified School District’s uniform policy became the national standard for school districts across the country. Despite the apparent success of some uniform policies, these ... Liberties Union Freedom Network. 1 Mar. 1996. American Civil Liberties Union. 5 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons of Total Scores for All Students: California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu. 15 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons for All Students: Long Beach, California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu.Apr.2000 . "Student Prevails in North Carolina School Uniform Dispute." American Civil Liberties Union Freedom Network. 11 Jan. 2000. American Civil Liberties Union. 15 Apr. 2000 . Tillman, Tim. â€Å"Polk County School Uniform Compliance Data March 1999.† Polk County School Uniform Page. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, FL. 19 Apr. 2000 . "Uniform Incidents." Polk County School Uniform Page. Aug. 1999. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, Florida. 5 Apr. 2000 . United States. Department of Education. Manual on School Uniforms. 29 Feb. 1996. 6 Apr. 2000 . Van Der Laan, Dick. Telephone interview. Apr. 1996. Walters, Sabrina. "Dade Study: School Uniforms Haven’t Led to Better Conduct." Miami Herald 17 Sept. 1998: 1A. News Library. 8 Mar. 2000 . Against Mandatory School Uniforms in Public School Essay -- Education Imagine that you pick your seven-year-old child up from school. He is crying and wearing a different outfit than the one he wore to school. This is naturally upsetting but not as upsetting as your next discovery. His shirt, one you have never seen before, has a large "L" written on the sleeve in permanent marker; his shorts, also not his, are too large, stained and faded. Upon questioning your child, you discover that, despite your best efforts at compliance, your child’s clothing has violated the school’s uniform policy. Neither you nor your husband was called to bring your child a "compliant" change of clothing; rather a loaner uniform was forced upon your child. He was made to change into these alien clothes (McBride "Student" 1-2). The debate over mandatory uniforms in the public school system is raging across the country and in our own backyards. Proponents claim uniforms improve many areas in the educational arena while opponents vigorously challenge these claims. Opponents also cite potential civil rights violations while uniform supporters counter that the potential benefits greatly outweigh any loss of freedoms. The issue of mandatory uniforms in the public schools gained the spotlight of national attention following President Clinton’s 1996 State of the Union address. During that speech the President stated, "If it means that teenagers will stop killing each other over designer jackets, then our public schools should be able to require their students to wear uniforms" (Clinton 4). The President later visited Long Beach, California, where the first, district wide, mandatory school uniform policy in the country was enjoying seemingly remarkable success. He told those attending his speech that he had signed an order instructing the Secretary of Education to send to all school districts across the nation the newly generated Manual on School Uniforms ("Clinton" 1). The manual outlines specific steps for school districts wishing to implement uniform policies. It also gives examples of a few model policies from across the nation (United 1-7). The President went on to thank and praise Long Beach for their glowingly successful uniform policy ("Clinton" 3). Thus, the Long Beach Unified School District’s uniform policy became the national standard for school districts across the country. Despite the apparent success of some uniform policies, these ... Liberties Union Freedom Network. 1 Mar. 1996. American Civil Liberties Union. 5 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons of Total Scores for All Students: California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu. 15 Apr. 2000 . "STAR 1998-1999 Score Level Comparisons for All Students: Long Beach, California Stanford Nine Scores." 30 Sept. 1999. California Dept. Of Edu.Apr.2000 . "Student Prevails in North Carolina School Uniform Dispute." American Civil Liberties Union Freedom Network. 11 Jan. 2000. American Civil Liberties Union. 15 Apr. 2000 . Tillman, Tim. â€Å"Polk County School Uniform Compliance Data March 1999.† Polk County School Uniform Page. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, FL. 19 Apr. 2000 . "Uniform Incidents." Polk County School Uniform Page. Aug. 1999. The Parental Action Committee of Polk County, Florida. 5 Apr. 2000 . United States. Department of Education. Manual on School Uniforms. 29 Feb. 1996. 6 Apr. 2000 . Van Der Laan, Dick. Telephone interview. Apr. 1996. Walters, Sabrina. "Dade Study: School Uniforms Haven’t Led to Better Conduct." Miami Herald 17 Sept. 1998: 1A. News Library. 8 Mar. 2000 .

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Alcohol and Drinking - Alcoholism :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Alcoholism It was a rainy Wednesday afternoon and little Tommy was struggling to cross the slippery puddle- filled streets. The crossing guard at the corner felt a tug at her leg and it was Tommy waiting to cross. He waited patiently at the corner until traffic seemed to clear. The crossing guard began to lead Tommy across the street when out of nowhere a car sped around the corner and without acknowledging the crossing pedestrians, ended little Tommyà ¾s life. Tommyà ¾s parents were called at work and notified of the horrible accident. Through all the gory details they received the same awful truth that is heard by millions every year, Tommy had been killed by a drunk driver. Alcoholism is an epidemic in America that affects the lives of many. Alcoholism, as a disease, affects the individual, the family, and society as a whole. Families are torn apart, domestic violence occurs, and innocent bystandersà ¾ lives can be changed forever, just like little Tommyà ¾s. Drunk driving is just one of the many issues involving the abuse of alcohol. Alcohol abuse can lead to further drug and substance dependence. On the individual, alcohol damages bodily processes and organs, and affects personality and temperament. An approach to treating this serious illness is group therapy and individual counseling. The severity of the problem and the willingness of the patient will determine the extent of treatment he or she will undergo. Though there are many aspects of alcoholism, a major issue at hand is whether or not alcoholism is a genetically inherited disease. Through research studies and surveys, it is evident that alcoholism is, in fact, genetically inherited. Genetic makeup is not the only factor, however. Environmental influences can foster genes and motivate a person to drink. Many people drink due to a neurological imbalance (which causes a psychological disorder). Others use alcohol as an outlet to their daily stresses. There is even a group of people who become alcoholics with an unknown motive. Alcoholism is a disease with many dimensions. This disorder begins as early as childhood and elevates throughout adolescence to its prime stage in adulthood. The early years are the crucial determination point. If a child grows up with constant exposure to alcohol, they will most likely pattern their behavior after the role model. This is how the whole cycle continues. It is unfortunate that so many Americans a re affected by this disease and they are not even aware of it.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Soundbuzz’s Music Strategy for Asia-Pacific

Case Study 3 SOUNDBUZZ’S MUSIC STRATEGY FOR ASIA PACIFIC Q1 : Analyze Soundbuzz and its business strategy using the competitive forces models. What strategies did it develop for dealing with competitive forces? There are four concepts of the competitive forces models: new market entrants, substitute products and services, suppliers, and customers. In terms of customers, Soundbuzz were really well responded to situation that they faced.When they launched B2C model, they found that because of customers` behavior (customers are seeking to download music freely) they cannot make much margin compared with the time when they used B2B model. So they aim other business as their customers. In terms of products and service, they serviced new encrypted MP3 format which makes them be able to sell music in their web sites. Also, they started to treat the music video contents which never treated on-line before. Finally, they launched ISPs billing systems for customers, which makes customers easily purchase their products.Q2 : What are the critical elements for an online music service? Using the value chain model, analyze Soundbuzz's business processes. Administration and Management : Online and Mobile music company. Technology : Source from local and independent record label and content is secured using digital right management technologies consisting of web server , license server , database server and media server. Procurement : Internet and finance industries Q3 : Why did Mototrola acquire Soundbuzz? What synergies will be created through the partnership?Through its MOTOMUSIC service, Motorola has more than two years experience delivering mobile music to consumers with its carrier customers in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. The acquisition of Soundbuzz allows Motorola to expand MOTOMUSIC beyond China, into India, Southeast Asia, Australia and New Zealand. With well over 90 percent of all digital music content in Asia sold via mobile channels, a level expected to rema in in the coming years, Motorola's strength in music delivery will help its carrier customers access this growth opportunity.The expected timetable for completing the proposed transaction between Motorola and Soundbuzz, future financial and operating results, benefits and synergies of the transaction, future opportunities for the combined company and products, any other statements regarding Motorola's or Soundbuzz's future expectations, beliefs, goals or prospects and any statements that are not statements of historical facts might be considered forward-looking statements.While these forward-looking statements represent managements' current judgement of future events, they are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those stated in the forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, include: i. the parties' ability to consummate the transaction. ii. the conditions to the completion of the transaction may not be satisfied, or the approvals required for the transaction may not be obtained on the terms expected or on the anticipated schedule. ii. the parties' ability to meet expectations regarding the timing, completion and accounting and tax treatments of the transaction. iv. the possibility that the parties may be unable to achieve expected synergies and operating efficiencies within the expected time-frames or at all. v. Motorola's ability to successfully integrate Soundbuzz's operations and technology into those of Motorola and the possibility that such integration may be more difficult, time-consuming or costly than expected. vi. evenues following the transaction may be lower than expected. vii. operating costs, customer loss and business disruption (including, without limitation, difficulties in maintaining relationships with employees, customers, clients or suppliers) may be greater than expected following the transaction. viii. the retention of certain key employees at Soundbuzz. ix. the other factors described in Motorola's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2006 and its subsequent reports filed with the SEC.Motorola assumes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement in this press release, and such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date hereof. Q4 : Explore the Soundbuzz Website (www. soundbuzz. com). Briefly describe its products, technology platform, payment methods and revenue models. Product : – downloadable music and video. – digit right clearance. – acquisition of licenses from music publisher and recording company. – music video. Technology platform : – bundled with creative ‘s MP3 players. – Windows Media Player 10. Payment methods : multiple billing channel through Internet Service Provider bills. – mobiles operator bills to its customers. â⠂¬â€œ Trivnet payment solution. – making micro payment. Q5 : Do you think Soundbuzz is successful? What are the things it can do to improve its business model? What can it learn from iTunes? No. Along with the dramatic demise of Motorola’s mobile phone business in the past two years, Soundbuzz now also faces closure of its own. It’s an ironic end for a company that seemed ahead of its time when it came out selling legit music in 1999 – at the century of illegal downloads.Many were surprised at the time, when Soundbuzz CEO SudhanshuSarronwala, a former MTV stalwart, managed to court the music labels even when they were more interested in blocking people from ripping CDs. Its music collection was built up very fast, providing users in Singapore with a legit alternative to pirated songs. But soon, the competition came for â€Å"Suds† and his company. Though Apple iTunes is still not officially here in Singapore now, Nokia has launched its own music st ore and Sony Ericson has partnered with SingTel to offer a direct-to-mobile music download service too.Soundbuzz, meanwhile, was a much smaller player and had a less extensive music collection. Plus, it somehow only supported the Internet Explorer browser, likely because of its Windows Media back-end, which kept out a lot of users. The final mistakes is the sale to Motorola, a company that invented the cellphone, but somehow failed to manage its own cellphone business due to poor management and decision making . Soundbuzz shall support the popular browser like Google chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Safari and expand its music collection.This will attract more users since most internet users are no more using Internet Explorer due to it slow performance. iTunesoffers a catalogue of albums, user reviews, album art, Internet radio, and podcast listings for free. Consumers can benefit from iTunes' content and services without ever making an online digital purchase. Apple even gives a way new content every week, so users can expand their music collection without any commitment to buy anything. Soundbuzz shall synchronize and reform a convenient and fresh look to attract consumers. Soundbuzz is shut down on 15th July 2009

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Fantasy’s Inability to Overcome Reality Essay

Although Williams’s protagonist in A Streetcar Named Desire is the romantic Blanche DuBois, the play is a work of social realism. Blanche explains to Mitch that she fibs because she refuses to accept the hand fate has dealt her. Lying to herself and to others allows her to make life appear as it should be rather than as it is. Stanley, a practical man firmly grounded in the physical world, disdains Blanche’s fabrications and does everything he can to unravel them. The antagonistic relationship between Blanche and Stanley is a struggle between appearances and reality. It propels the play’s plot and creates an overarching tension. Ultimately, Blanche’s attempts to remake her own and Stella’s existences? to rejuvenate her life and to save Stella from a life with Stanley? fail. One of the main ways Williams dramatizes fantasy’s inability to overcome reality is through an exploration of the boundary between exterior and interior. The set of the play consists of the two-room Kowalski apartment and the surrounding street. Williams’s use of a flexible set that allows the street to be seen at the same time as the interior of the home expresses the notion that the home is not a domestic sanctuary. The Kowalskis’ apartment cannot be a self-defined world that is impermeable to greater reality. The characters leave and enter the apartment throughout the play, often bringing with them the problems they encounter in the larger environment. For example, Blanche refuses to leave her prejudices against the working class behind her at the door. The most notable instance of this effect occurs just before Stanley rapes Blanche, when the back wall of the apartment becomes transparent to show the struggles occurring on the street, foreshadowing the violation that is about to take place in the Kowalskis’ home. Though reality triumphs over fantasy in A Streetcar Named Desire, Williams suggests that fantasy is an important and useful tool. At the end of the play, Blanche’s retreat into her own private fantasies enables her to partially shield herself from reality’s harsh blows. Blanche’s insanity emerges as she retreats fully into herself, leaving the objective world behind in order to avoid accepting reality. In order to escape fully, however, Blanche must come to perceive the exterior world as that which she imagines in her head. Thus, objective reality is not an antidote to Blanche’s fantasy world; rather, Blanche adapts the exterior world to fit her delusions. In both the physical and the psychological realms, the boundary between fantasy and reality is permeable. Blanche’s final, deluded happiness suggests that, to some extent, fantasy is a vital force at play in every individual’s experience, despite reality’s inevitable triumph.

Marketing of Burj Al Arab in Dubai Essay

Abstract: This paper discusses the marketing of Burj AlArab hotel in Dubai. It contains a brief description of the hotel and his history. It describes about the culture in Dubai and how it affects the hotel. A SWOT analysis has been discussed in the paper to know about its situation in Dubai. It also shows you the competitor of Burj Al Arab in Dubai and the marketing audit shows that how the hotel is positioned in the market .It concludes by stating how Burj Al Arab can maintain and develop its policies to keep it top in competitive market of Dubai. BURJ AL ARAB – The Arabian Tower of the Jumeirah Beach Resort. With 321 meters, this is the world ´s tallest hotel, only 60 meters shorter than the Empire State Building. This all-suite hotel stands 27 double-height storeys high and comprises 202 duplex suites. Your transfer to the hotel may be arranged by one of the world ´s largest fleets of Rolls Royce. Reaching new heights of luxury and service levels, Burj Al Arab offers a choice of 142 1-Bedroom DeLuxe Suites, 18 1-Bedroom Panoramic Suites, four 1-Bedroom Club Suites, 28 2-Bedroom Suites, six 3-Bedroom Suites, two Presidential Suites and two Royal Suites. The finest materials have been sourced from around the globe for your luxury and comfort, coming together in exclusively designed and handcrafted interiors. All suites feature floor to ceiling windows and are of course equipped with the latest technology like interactive television (with a camera that views all visitors to the suite – and you can give access to them without leaving the comfort of your bed or the armchair), all-purpose office equipment, laptop computers and internet access(First class travel 2006)Dubai :-Dubai is the most populous and second largest emirate (in terms of size) in the federation after Abu Dhabi.Dubai is distinct from other members of the UAE in that revenues from oil account for only 6% of i ts gross domestic product. A majority of the emirate’s revenues are from the Jebel Ali Free Zone (JAFZ) [2] and now, increasingly, from tourism. Dubai is currently the second largest developing city in the world after Shanghai.With enormous construction and development in various industries.Dubai has attracted world attention through innovative real  estate projects, sports events, conferences and guiness records.(Wikipedia 2006)SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS:-To know marketing strategies, it is essential to know as much as possible about the market place or environment in which the property operates. A situation analysis researches the properties current position in the marketplace and reveals potential opportunities to promote the property. (Abbey1998,pp54-55)Cultural Influence:The cultural environment holds deeply influence on marketing behavior. Hotel industry needs to be sensitive to cultural variation in the environment and grasp opportunities for expanding. For instance, In Dubai there is 80 percent foreigners who have investments, businesses and employments. Over 1100 staff members from 50 different nationalities work in different areas of Burj AL Arab hotel. Therefore, they bring the diverse cultures from all different home countries such as religions, values, and social behaviors, etc. There will be slight or even severe varies between different guest groups, product suppliers, and hotel employees. It is crucial important for the managerial level to treat people with equal respect and revere different cultural norms.(sevenseashotels 2006). SWOT Analysis :SWOT defines the desired output from the formal analysis which must precede the selection of the strategy and the formulation of the plans to implement it.(Baker 1998,p139)STRENGTHS :†¢The infrastructure of the building which is like a sail boat which gives the guest a very fine and different experience. †¢All the restaurant , bars has a different outlook and are very famous world wide. Ex:Al Mahara – seafood restaurant accessible by a three minute virtual submarine voyage. Magnificent oval aquarium visible throughout the restaurant. Al Iwan – sea view restaurant. Finest Arabian hospitality with dà ©cor of dramatic gold, red and black†¢Member of the leading hotels of the world.(sevenseas hotels 2006)WEAKNESS:†¢Dubai is promoted as a tourist destination but is more of a commercial destination which have a great impact on the hotel. †¢The rigid climate and the culture of Dubai does not help the hotel to stay flexible. †¢The major economy of Dubai is based on oil and gas so the Dubai government does not stress on hospitality and tourism sector. OPPORTUNITIES:†¢Dubai as slowly developing as a commercial destination which will help the hotel to attract lot of business travelers. †¢Dubai is pressurizing more on building lot of theme parks and sports activities which can help the hotel to attract lot of international tourist. THREATS:†¢Lot of new entrants as Dubai is developing in to one of the best commercial cities. †¢High prices of the accommodations which gives advantage to the other hotelsCOMPETITOR ANALYSIS:As Dubai is one of the biggest developing commercial centers there is a lot of competition in the hotels to attract the tourist. The detail comparison for product differentiation Burj al arab and its competitors are as follows:Burj Al Arab : world class duple suites-non smoking rooms-data ports-complimentary news paper-hair dryer-room service-spectacular views-bar-spa-jaccuzi-sauna-shopping center-private health and fitness facility-theropy rooms-Aerobic room-restraunt. (Burj Al Arab 2006)Sheraton Jumeira Beach Resort And Towers :cabletv-hair dryer-child care-wake up service-see view -spa-sauna-bar-shopping center-outdoor tennis-water sports-squash courts-golf course. (Star wood hotels 2006)Hyatt Regency Dubai : Non smoking rooms-cable Tv- complimentary news papper-roomservice-child care-spa-sauna-bar-shopping center-fishing-tennis-restraunt. (Regency hyatt 2006)Le Meridien Mina Seyahi Resort :Wheel chair-free news papper-child care-modem lines-room service-TV with cables-Hair dryer-Mini bar-outdoor pool-spa-tennis-fitness center-shops-restraunt. (Le Meridien Mina Seyahi Resort 2006)PORTERS 5 FORCES APLICATIONS TO BURJ AL ARABRivalry Among Existing Firm:HIGHIt has a lot of competitor as above mentioned which have strong brand names among the local and international travelers. In order to leverage brand equity, Burj Al Arab hotel must possess better quality of service facilities more than its competitors. Threat Of New Entrants:HIGHBurj Al Arab has got many loyal customers but a small mishandling in customers expectations may cause the loyal customers to switch to another property. Dubai being a commercial developing city there are lot of hotels coming in. Bargaining Power Of Buyers:LOWMajority of the customers always pay close attention to the hotel price .It has all suite rooms which in all is different from other hotels so the people which the hotel target is specific so the bargaining power of customer is less. Bargaining Power Of Suppliers:LOW The hotel has to face a pressure from their suppliers; however the hotel can reduce it by partnering with travel agencies or big market chains purchasing high volume of products. Threat Of substitute:LOWBeing a very high class property and having a great brand name there are almost no threats to the beautiful property of Burj Al Arab. MARKETING AUDITS:A marketing audit is a systematic and thorough examination of a companies marketing position. (J.Baker1998,p237). POSITIONING:In the case of BURJ AL ARAB hotel Dubai, due to great occupancy rate and high industries growth rate , it experienced the high market growth and strong competitive advantage. Burj A Arab have a lot of competitor like Le Meridien Sayahi ,Hyatt Regency Dubai, Sheraton Jumeira Beach hotel And much more ,Which have a strong brand reputation among local and international travelers. In order to leverage  brand equity , Burj Al Arab hotel must possess better quality of service facilities above its competitors. CONCLUSION:The above report provides detail report on the market analysis of Burj Al Arab in Dubai and reviewing the marketing strategies, influence of the culture on the hotel, its position in the market and its competitors. The city of Dubai is a highly developing commercial centre, with many new hotels coming up with recognized brand names. In order to develop a competitive advantage the hotel should maintain and develop the following points:1)To emphasise propagating the architectural miracle and there unique suite rooms. 2)To continue implementing high quality of service. 3)To persist in high price and standards strategy. 4)To promote sports events, and Dubai shopping festival. REFERENCE LIST: Abbey.J.R(1998)Hospitalaity Sales And Marketing,Educational institute of the American Hotel & Motel Association. Baker.M.J(2000)Marketing Strategy And Management, Palgrave MacmillanKotler.p,Keller.k(2006)Marketing management 12e,Pearson Prentice Hallhttp.// (last visited 16/4/06) (last visited 16/4/06) visited 16/4/06) visited 16/4/06) visited 16/4/06)